Reminder - DI Courses Starting THIS WEEK!

From: Jim Phillips (jim@KS.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 10 2000 - 15:50:11 CDT

Dear Dancing Illini,

Just a reminder that we have the following courses starting Tuesday
(TONIGHT!) and Thursday in 310 Freer Hall. Experienced dancers are
welcome to sit in on the first week of the beginner courses to help
smooth things out. As always, the first week is free.

       Beginner Tango & Cha Cha Tuesday 7:15-8:30
       Beg. Salsa & Nightclub 2-step Thursday 7:15-8:30

       Intermediate Samba & Cha Cha Tuesday 8:45-10:00
         (Cha Cha experience required.)
       Int. Salsa & West Coast Swing Thursday 8:45-10:00
         (Salsa experience required.)

Jim Phillips
Dancing Illini Public Relations

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