Argentine Tango dance opportunities

From: joe grohens (joe@WOLFRAM.COM)
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 21:52:27 CDT

Dear Tango dancers,

Because I'm a bit late with this, I'm cross-posting to several lists, so
you may get this message more than once. I apologize, and will try to avoid
having to do this in future. (I really apologize, but I thought you would
not want to miss this Friday night chance to tango.)

Friday 8 Oct.
Argentine Tango semi-hour at The Regent Ballroom
11:00-11:30 (between the ballroom and salsa dances)

How to get to the Regent:

Come out and dance Argentine Tango with lots of other people who have been
learning and practicing. Don't be shy; you'll look great! :-)

This is short but sweet, so try to arrive early. (The last few times David
has let the tangos start before 11:00, so I mean it when I say arrive

And then stay for the Varelas' super salsa dance, because I know a lot of
you Tango dancers dance salsa too!

Thursday 14 October
5pm - 8pm

Milonga (tango dance) hosted by Mark and Ece
Channing-Murray Foundation
Corner of Oregon and Mathews Streets.

Mark and Ece just wrapped up their classes in Argentine Tango tonight,
and they are having a Milonga next week at their regular class time.

This is going to be a lot of fun! I hope you all can make it.

-Joe Grohens

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