bad news hits home in my dance relationship

From: charles joseph smith (cjsmith2@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 15:34:19 CDT

Recently, I had found a dance partner named Lynne Ingram through the personals. We met yesterday and we danced and practiced in
Chicago. We had dreams of competing in the Purdue and in the Dancing
Illini competitions. That was the good news.

But Lynne says she has to resolve two things with her former dance
partners so the relationship was all over as far as dancing competitively
with Lynne. I didn't do anything bad to her but the inevitable happened.

Please give me some real advice becase I found the very hard way that
 partnerships in dance can
end very quickly in some cases. This happened with Lynne in real life. I
had a good 2 weeks of email communication, 1 day of real meeting and then
it was all over.


Charles Joseph Smith

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