(no subject)

From: Robert M. Miller (rmmiller@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Fri Sep 17 1999 - 14:02:37 CDT

Fellow Dancers:

I've decided I need to spend more time concentrating on my Ph.D. thesis so
I'm resigning as president of the club.

The thirty months or so I've been dancing and the year and a half I've
been an officer have been fun. I encourage you all to take advantage of
the benefits offered by the club to improve your dancing, to have fun, and
meet new people here and at other colleges.

Lu Fang, the vice president, will take over as the president until the end
of our term of office next April or until the club elects a new president.
I think Lu has done a wonderful job as my number 1 and he'll do a great
job as president. Please give him your respect and support. A president
can't do his job without those.

I will certainly continue dancing but perhaps not as often as I have been.

Here's my advice for you all you new dancers:

* The first six months are the hardest. It gets much easier after that.
* Don't be overly self-conscious. Everyone was afraid when they
     started dancing.
* Taking private lessons and competing is a great way to learn fast.
* Dance early, dance often, but don't let it interfere with work that
     pays the bills.
* There is life off of the dance floor (just not much).
* Marry a dancer.

Best of luck to you all.


Rob Miller

====================================== Department of Economics Teaching Assistant http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~rmmiller ======================================

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