Re: Dresses for dance

From: Tanja Hodges (MadamTRH@AOL.COM)
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 13:21:31 CDT

A forward from RuthAnn---

Hello All,

 I am going to have a non-garage sale Labor Day weekend. While gathering
things up for the sale, I notice I have a lot of nice dresses, many suitable
for social dancing and/or college-level competition. They span a variety of
sizes, and some have never even been worn. I have decided to have a pre-sale
just for dancers on Sunday afternoon, August 22. If you are interested, stop
by 306 West John in Champaign. (1 block south of Green, 2 houses west of
State, north side of John, greenish porch swing.) 35 2-STEP (352-7837)

 This sale (the one on August 22) will be indoors, so you can try things on.
I will have a/c on in the den if it gets hot.

 I also have some dance shoes, but they are all pretty much size 9 1/2

 See ya!

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