Re: Henry Neeman OK?

From: Henry Neeman (hneeman@NCSA.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Fri May 07 1999 - 11:21:15 CDT

Greg White says:

>Anyone hear anything from Henry Neeman since the tornadoes hit
>Oklahoma? Looks like they hit pretty close to where he is. I
>sent him an e-mail a few days back, but haven't had a reply yet.

Hm. I must have missed the e-mail.

We are fine. The big (F5) tornado clipped northwest Norman, but
we live diagonally opposite, about 10 miles southeast of where it
hit. Moore, the next suburb north, sustained major damage -- Teri
and I drove by the blast zone on our way to the local Salvation
Army depot to help sort donations, and it looks like it got nuked.

                                        Henry Neeman

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