ADMIN: Heard about our new officers?

From: Jim Phillips (
Date: Thu Apr 22 1999 - 12:10:05 CDT


If you didn't get the "Congratulations New Dancing Illini Officers"
message I just sent then you are missing out on important messages from
the Dancing Illini. You are subscribed to dancing-discuss-l which carries
discussions and announcements from the entire UIUC dancing community. You
should also subscribe to dancing-official-l which carries only official
announcements from the Dancing Illini officers at a rate of one or two per
week. Subscribing couldn't be simpler...

Send an email message to LISTSERV@PO.UIUC.EDU with a blank subject and in
the body of the message type "SUB DANCING-OFFICIAL-L Your Name" where
"Your Name" is your real name (required). Follow the instructions in the
confirmation message you will receive.

Thank you.

Jim Phillips

Dancing Illini Secretary, 1998-99

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