REMINDER: Dancing Illini Courses Starting April 5

Jim Phillips (
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 17:24:35 -0500

Dear Dancers and Future Dancers,

Here are the Dancing Illini spring four-week courses. Pass this on to
your friends, neighbors, and anyone else you'd like to dance with.
Don't delay, classes start Monday, April 5.

Jim Phillips
Dancing Illini Secretary

*** Dancing Illini Four-Week Dance Courses, Spring 1999 ***

Four-week courses start Monday, April 5 in 310 Freer Hall.

* DanceSport Beginner Waltz and Rumba Monday 6:15 to 7:30 pm
* DanceSport Intermediate Jive and Cha Cha Monday 7:45 to 9:00 pm
* Intermediate Hustle Wednesday 6:15 to 7:45 pm
* Beginner West Coast Swing Friday 5:00 to 6:15 pm

*** Just show up - no need to pre-register! ***
*** Try it out free! Pay at the end of your first class. ***

No experience required for beginner classes. No partner necessary.
"DanceSport" courses emphasize details, proper form, and style.
The cost for students/faculty/staff is $15 for one course (includes
$5 club dues) and $10 for each additional course. For all others,
the cost is $20 for one course and $10 for each additional course.

Practices continue at the Regent Ballroom.

* General Practice Wednesday 9:30 to 10:50 pm
Everyone welcome, no partner required, free quickie lessons.

* DanceSport Practice Monday 9:30 to 10:50 pm
Serious preparation for competitions. Partner recommended.

Directions to the Regent are on the Dancing Illini web site at and rides can be arranged
thought our carpool coordinator Riki Garvin <>.

*** We look forward to dancing with you! ***