Tonight SALSA at the Regent Ballroom.

Carlos A. Varela (cvarela@UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:28:56 -0600

Dear friends,

We'll be having a caribbean SALSA party tonight at the Regent Ballroom
from 11:30pm to 1:30am. Joe Grohens and Roberto Barreiro (yes, he's
coming from Des Moines, Iowa to visit us) will be playing some
Argentinian tango as well from 11pm to 11:30pm. So come out early and
try out your tango steps as well!

There will be dress code (no jeans, t-shirts, sport shoes please) and
no smoking will be permitted. The cover fee will be $3 ($1 off for
i-salsa pass holders).

So come out early and start your weekend with the right steps...

- Carlos & Adri.
i-Salsa @ UIUC