bye everyone

regina danute pareigis (pareigis@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 16:22:05 -0600

I just wanted to send out a farewell and good luck on finals message to
all of our dancing illini dancers! I hope finals are going well and you
are all looking forward to break. To those of you staying here for break,
why not get together at someone's house for Christmas? I've been getting
alot of complaints from dancers that the holidays will be lonely. But,
they don't have to be. Who would like to have a small Christmas get
together? We can sing dance and eat alot. For New Years the Regent
Ballroom is having a terriffic formal dance all night long with
complimentary champaign and alot of friends. There are only a few seats
left so sign up now!!!
Happy Holidays!!
Regina Pareigis
(Dancing Illini President)