Regent Dance Passes for Students

Rob Miller (
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 22:13:20 -0600

Fellow Dancers:

Many of you who have attended the social dance at the Regent Ballroom on
Friday nights know that it can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately for some
students, the $6 fee each week is prohibitively expensive. In its
continuing effort to promote ballroom dancing in the U of I community,
the Dancing Illini has purchased a number of dance passes for the Regent
Ballroom at a reduced price.

Each dance pass contains 20 punches which will admit you to 10 of the
Regent's Friday night dances. The pass may also be used for the
Regent's Tuesday night practices (one punch per practice).

We are selling our dance passes for $40. That means you'll be able to
enjoy a wonderful night of ballroom dancing for only $4. That's a 33%
discount over the usual entry fee and a 20% discount over the dance
passes sold at the Regent.

This great value is available only to STUDENTS who are Dancing Illini
members. We regret we can't offer this great deal to nonstudent
members; that was one of the conditions for the discounted price.
However, nonstudent members can still purchase a ten dance pass at the
Regent for $50.

The passes, once purchased, are nonrefundable and you must not transfer
them to nonstudents. However, you may use the punches on your dance
pass to admit anyone else in addition to yourself.

You may purchase a dance pass between 10:00 and 10:15 pm at our
Wednesday night practice at the Regent Ballroom. Lu Fang, our Social
Chair and Video Librarian, will be selling the passes. Please have a
student ID available for Lu to see when you purchase the pass.

The officers of the Dancing Illini are committed to providing further
benefits of this sort to our members in order to make dancing more fun
and affordable.

We hope to see you out dancing!

Rob Miller

======================================= Department of Economics Econ 172 Instructor

Dancing Illini Vice President =======================================