need volunteer hosts

sheila anne lebedenko (skurausk@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 13:38:29 -0600

Purdue has asked us if we can return their favor. They gave us free
housing, and are now asking for some floor space to sleep on Friday nite
nov 6. If you have floor space in your apartment and wouldn't mind sharing
your bathroom with some dancers from other schools, please let me know
1) your name
2) phone number
3) address
4) email
5) how many people you can accommodate
6) sex preferences if any

Then I'll send your info to them and their dancers will contact you.
It's a great way to get to know some of the dance competitors from other
schools. You don't have to feed them or spend any money on them.

Competition Chair '98