problems with my webpage was not really my fault

charles joseph smith (cjsmith2@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 19:32:09 -0500

The Adobe Pagemill 2.0 webpage containing my ballroom dance topics had
some problems this morning. First of all, the server in the Netscape
browser(I needed a browser to set up the webpage)couldn't find the file.

I thought all was for not. But I realize that sometimes the web servers
can go haywire and either refuse the file I want to set up or it acts like
that it won't find it.

But this evening, I tried to use the Netscape browser again to transfer my
Pagemill web page and it did find the file. The name of the file in the
URL is as follows:


Just go into Netscape, type that above URL above in the Netscape's URL
window, click Return, and you(I hope)will find my webpage titled: "Charles
Joseph Smith: Ballroom Dancer, Fanatic, and Enthusiast."

I pray that the website works and I hope for the best. I am no computer
expert but Murphy's Law makes me feel queasy.....