Re: Argentine Tango Practice

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 29 May 1998 02:47:56 -0500

In a couple of weeks, the DI will have 2 different sets of Argentine Tango
instructional videos in its video library. One set taught by Daniel
Trenner, and one set by Gloria and Eduardo. It's just an idea, but if
someone had one of those TV-VCR units, you could offer "lessons with the
masters" at each practice.


>Carol and I are renting space for Argentine Tango Practice.
>I want to invite anyone who wants to join us.
>$1 or donation suggested to cover rental.
>It's a nice space with mirrors, and we have some good music.
>White Street Art Center
>304 1/2 East White St. [[between Springfield/University, Third/Fourth St.]]
>Champaign, IL
>Parking in rear off alley.
>Entrance on the East side.
>When: Saturday 8 pm-10 pm
>We intend to repeat this regularly, but if Saturday evening
>is not a good time for people we are open to suggestions.