Guests at Practise

Mary Sue Shay (msshay@PRAIRIENET.ORG)
Wed, 27 May 1998 11:32:06 -0500

Computer Challanged we all know who Tanja is talking about but here goes
anyway..Tom Shay..being energized at a big TAI CHI conference all week at
Levitt center..He informed me he is bringing a few live wire Ladies
to practise tonight.. (these are out of towners attending the conference)
They want to learn to Salsa..and I think they might be Golden -Oldies
like me but probably younger.I am coming to practise to show them Salsa
and any help from you all would be appreciated says Tom.Can we do some
Rueda..guys and girls.if enough of you show up we can..Then maybe theyll take
the Rueda back to the conference and show all those people from around
the world..who are here all week.
Hope to see you tonight..and then you can collect a favor from Tom.
Thanks Mary Sue Shay