INV: After hours party

Erika Garvin (egarvin@S.PSYCH.UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 22 May 1998 10:00:08 -0500

Greetings Dancers!

How about homemade caramel corn and cookies? Or just hanging around
with friends after the dance tonight?

OK, so I don't plan too far ahead. But I wanted to do this when it
wasn't too hot, and it looks like tonight's the night. I need an excuse
to clean my apartment and spend some time in the kitchen!

You are invited to an AFTER HOURS PARTY at the humble abode of:

Riki Garvin (aka temporarily carless Carpool Coordinator and Co-Social Chair)
614 W. John St., east apt.

N on Prospect to John (John St. is just south of Green; it's right after
a speed-limit sign and it's at the bottom of a slope)
Right (east) on John; 2 blks to New St.; my building is the second
building on the north side of the street that is east of New St.
You can park on the south side of John St.
My building is a 1-story gray and white duplex, and my apartment is the
east (right) apartment.

If you feel like bringing something, bring beverages. (Sparkling juice
is my favorite ;-)

As mentioned above, there will be HOMEMADE GOODIES!

See you tonight at my place at about 11:30!
