adelante + estilo chicago at the pig saturday

daniel adolfo llano (dan@TOFU.NPA.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:16:23 -0500

hey folks, this saturday both estilo chicago and adelante are playing at
the pig. this is the last live salsa performance of the school year, and
this is estilo chicago's final gig, since several of its members are
graduating. the show starts early to accomodate both bands - here's the

9pm adelante
10pm estilo chicago
11pm adelante
mid. estilo chicago

see ya, dan

Daniel A. Llano

"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American
public" P.T. Barnum


oh, and i just love this one:
"If someone has bad diarrhea, don't share their food."

Dr. David Lawrence, Medical Director of
McKinley Health Center (Daily Illini, 1/21/98)
