show those awesome moves

Wed, 8 Apr 1998 06:21:31 -0500

hello all,

dying to have one more shot at that competition
routine? want to do some fancy footwork for the
adoring masses? want to wow an unsuspecting public
with your latest dance duds? just need another dance fix?
tanja hodges has graciously twisted some arms again
at lincoln square mall, and the dancing illini has
some demonstration space on sunday, april 26, from
2-2:30 pm.

anyone and everyone who would like an opportunity
to perform is welcome. we'll probably do about 8-10
dances, so if you have a favorite, let me know.
hopefully we'll have both group dances (free-for-all
on the floor) and solo couples interested in participating.
in addition, the swing formation team will dazzle the
crowds with their latest routine. we had a great time
with this last year, with pretty good turnout. (tell all
your friends!)

please let me know if you are interested dancing in
this event, as i'm supposedly in charge. any couples
who would like the opportunity to demonstrate dances
by themselves are encouraged to respond. (we'll need
your music on cassette, though.)

hope to hear from you!!!
Research Assistant
Department of Geology
1301 W. Green St. (217) 244-8767 phone
Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-4996 fax

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