Collegiate Dancer's Web Site, (SOC)

Sriram Shankar (oversway@DUKE.EDU)
Mon, 6 Apr 1998 15:02:26 -0400

This is mostly for the club officers, although it holds value for the
others as well...

I was browsing through some of my dancing links and came across this site
that lists collegiate dance competitions for the year.


I did not see the Illini Invitational posted on this. Please look at this
URL and email the address listed with details so our competition may be
included in their list of events.

Any body have the results for the OSU and ND competitions, I am curious to
see how our club did.

Keep em' moving folks, and stand up straight... ;)

Sriram Shankar, Ph.D email:
Dept. of Radiology,
161A, Bryan Res. Bldg., tel: (919) 684-7804 (lab)
Duke Univ. Med. Ctr., (919) 684-7811 (off.)
Durham, NC 27708. (919) 684-7122 (fax)