(SOC) You are cordially invited.......

amy beth pummill (apummill@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 23:33:49 -0600

You are cordially invited to
an inimate evening
of Brahms Chamber Music


Sallie Pummill, piano

assisted by:

Amy Pummill, soprano
Doug Pummill, baritone
Elizabeth Campbell, mezzo-soprano
Robert Carasco, tenor

Featuring Ziegeunerlieder and Opus 32, Songs for Baritone and Piano

Thursday March 19th, 5:00 pm. Smith Memorial Hall

If you have any questions as to where this is located, just email or call
me and i'll let you know. I know this is last minute notice, but I hope
you all can make it out for this recital. Hope to see you all there, and
if not then out dancing somewhere!
amy :-)
amy pummill "I have been all things unholy;
apummill@uiuc.edu if God can work through me, he
217-328-5974 can work through anyone."
http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~apummill St. Francis of Assisi