Re: !Friday intermediate classes!

Sriram Shankar (shankar@ARIES.SCS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:58:34 -0600

Hello there everyone,
Just a word to back up Matthew Johnson and his claims.. I
am no more a member of the Champaign-Urbana community, and I
surely miss the inexpensive but highly competent option that
David Lin provides by his subsidized Intermediate and Advanced
lessons for students. I have been to NY/NJ and now to NC. And
few places have such good dance instructors, that have a dance
floor as nice as that at the Regent, and provide the lessons to
you at next to free really...
I strongly encourage and recommend taking lessons from Dave.
He provides the sound and solid basic knowledge you need to become
an adept dancer... And definitely more than you need to be a
socially competent dancer.... Just Do It...
And Dave, if you are reading this, you really ought to start
charging more money. Geez, I think you are getting sticked...:)
I mean if you had a studio in NY, you could be challenging Bill
Gates for the richest man in the US...:)
On that service note, au revoir, and happy dancing.