Re: Thank you to volunteers!

Darren J. Hron ((no email))
Sun, 9 Nov 1997 14:58:23 -0600


On behalf of myself, and a few others I know of, thanks for all the hard work you
put in for this weekend's comp, and that it, forgive the expression, ROCKED. I had
so much fun, aI can't walk today because it hurts WAY too much....but it was worth

Thanks alot,
Darren J. Hron

*Darren J. Hron * **
*                         * Astronomy Major *                         *
*I'm not a vegitarian because I like  * "Hard Work is for people short*
*animals, I'm a vegitarian because I  * on talent." & "If you can't   *
*hate plants.                         * beat them, arrange to have    *
*             --Annon.                * them beaten"   --George Carlin*