Re: The practice tonight was NOT for beginners

Ron Larkin (r-larkin@UIUC.EDU)
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 05:29:46 -0600

The suggestion of practicing dance A to music meant for dance B may be
too much to expect from some beginners. It's helpful to some but others
have trouble at first getting everything together even when the music is
just right.

On Tuesday evenings from 8:15 until 10:00 the Regent has a nice long
practice dance at which lots of music suited to beginner dances is played,
the kind of dance is announced each time, and a large proportion of the
dancers are beginners. David Lin says, "Tuesday practice is for the
beginners" and he does not play certain kinds of music at all on Tuesdays
for that reason. Unlike Friday nights, it is usually not crowded, partly
because the whole floor surface is available for dancing. A possible
drawback is that it costs $3.00.
