80's Party

Mike Baumann (mbaumann@S.PSYCH.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 5 Aug 1997 20:38:43 -0500

Summer's almost gotten away from us, so its time to have another party!
There's a twist to this one though -- its a theme party. Showing up in 80's
attire is strongly encouraged (I'm sure a few of you still have your Jams
and OP's stashed away in a drawer somewhere).

What? You don't remember the 80's? C'mon -- most of you were "coming of
age." People were wearing big hair and tiny skirts, wide collars and skinny
ties, and all kinds of unspeakable color combinations. Tom Cruise ran
around in his underwear in Risky Business, the "brat pack" graced us with
The Breakfast Club, and Max Headroom showed us all what happens when people
with too much time on their hands get near a computer and a latex mask. Are
the memories coming back yet?

So roll up those jeans, grab some mousse, feather your hair, wear your
ponytails off to the side, and come on over. I'll have some wine, some
munchies, some beer, a random assortment of hard alchohol and mixers, and
the standard non-alchoholic alternatives for people who just don't go for
that sort of thing. Anything else you want, feel free to bring.

There is a pool in the complex, so if you want to swim, bring a suit and towel.

As always, please feel free to bring friends, significant others, and
not-so-significant others as well.

The party will start about 9pm this saturday night (8/9), and go however
long it goes. My apartment is #24, 508 E Michigan Ave. For those of you who
haven't been here before....

(coming from campus)

take Lincoln to Pennsylvania.
go East on Pennsylvania to Vine.
go North (left) on Vine -- ONE block -- to Michigan (if you make it to
Dominos's pizza, you missed the turn).
go East (right) on Michigan.

There are two apartment complexes on the left side of the street. Mine is
the second one. Go all the way to the last driveway for that complex. My
building is in the back (northeast) corner of the complex. It is one of the
older, mostly brown-brick buildings (as opposed to the newer, mostly
aluminum siding builidings). The stairwells for this building are protected
by little towers. The northernmost tower hides the stairwell to my
apartment. Come on up to the second floor, apartment 24. If you get lost,
my number is 384-7239.