Re: Wow what a party...(SOC)

amy beth pummill (apummill@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Sat, 22 Mar 1997 12:02:15 -0600

Thank you Sri! And on the same note, I want to thank everyone that came
to the party. We had a wonderful time, and some wonderful food and
wine! I so enjoyed having everyone over. I will have to do it again
sometime. Good luck to you Eric, and keep in touch. And Yuan.......
DON'T PUSH ME!!! My carpet is plenty clean, thank you! Thanks again
everyone! Now, what am I going to do with all the left over food.......
hum.... guess i need to go to the gym a few extra times this week ;-)!

amy :-)

amy pummill "I have been all things unholy; if God can work through me, he
217-328-5974 can work through anyone."
St. Francis of Assisi