SOC: Nightclub two-step (was: Hello all...)

Henry Neeman (hneeman@NCSA.UIUC.EDU)
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 13:55:48 -0600

Sri says:

>... I noticed last night [at the social dance] that several beginner
>level dancers had their interest piqued by the 2-step. Atleast three
>people asked me to teach them the basics to it and they actually got
>on the floor and did a couple of dances to them.
>I recall that the 2-step was sacrificed for the "popular" salsa to
>which I noticed few people dancing actually - strange...!!! ...

I'd be happy to teach a seminar in nightclub two-step in late March or
early April, if people are interested. I know that David Lin is teaching
it at the Regent, but from what I've heard his class is targetted more
to his regular clients than to the students, so it may not be the ideal
environment for our members.

If there isn't space available in the gyms, it may be possible to teach
an afternoon seminar at Channing-Murray or something; I think they only
charge about $10 an hour for floor time, and their space is often unused

I thoroughly enjoy teaching nightclub two-step, and I'm kind of a
missionary for it (8-), so if we can put something together I wouldn't
even charge the club for my time.
