INV: afterhours feb 14

Amy Berger (aberger@BERM.GEOLOGY.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 23:35:26 -0600

Are you single and likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future--
and do you take offense when friends call you "romantically challenged"?

Are you fed up with the red hearts and flowers plastered over every
store front and office, which as far as you are concerned are merely obvious
commercial ploys to get you to spend money?

Are you tired of being subjected to incessant smarminess and sappy displays
of affection whenever you are out with your dating friends?

Do you dread holidays that glorify romance and perfect coupledom harmony,
which seems to be mysteriously missing from your point of view?

This is the party for you!!

Friday, February 14: 11:30 pm

(can be alternatively known as "Love Sucks")

Amy's apartment: 502 West Griggs #204 (dial 004 at the front door)
from Lincoln turn east on Main Street, go one block
past the stop sign, turn left on Orchard then right
on Griggs.

Those currently involved in relationships are welcome as long as they promise
to stay on the opposite side of the room from their significant other. No
blowing kisses, either.