Re: SOC: publicity (and Salsa band tonight at the Regent)

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 13:30:45 -0600

>I've been working on getting more people (especially females) to come to
>the new lessons next week , but I've noticed a big lack of fliers around
>campus and I have run out of material to give people. I was wondering
>if one of you officers could bring a bunch of stuff to the Regent
>tomorrow so I could work on convincing more people to give dancing a shot.

Thank you for your recruiting efforts. I'd like to encourage everyone to
please tell your friends about our classes which start Tuesday at 6pm in
Freer Gym.

Yes, we will bring flyers to the Regent on Friday night.
Flyers are also available in the envelopes outside my office door
(room 45 Mechanical Engineering Building) 24 hours a day.
If you run out of flyers, please forward them a copy of our class schedule
via email.

To everyone who took flyers at Activity Day or at wednesday's practice,
PLEASE take the time to post them in your buildings, offices and
apartments. Yes, we have taken out an ad in the Daily Illini, but it is
the posters in that traditionally bring in the bulk of our new members.

I can't begin to tell you how important this is to the continued success of
the club. Without new members we cannot continue to provide workshops,
dances, practices and social events.

Thank you,


ps - Don't forget to come to the Regent tonight - Salsa band "Adelante" is
playing from 11pm - 3am. Admission is only $5. The place is going to be
packed with students dancing up a storm to great music!