Re: Rose Bowl follow up (SOC)

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 12:18:12 -0600

>&gt you can also texas two step to country music!
>If we're going to represent other states, then I should mention you can
>also dance Arizona Rhythm Two-Step to country music.

Well, while you can swing and two-step to most anything, the anal-retentive
dancers among us would say that you dance:
Swing to country swing music,
West Coast Swing to country/R&B music,
Texas 2-step to country 2-step music,
Waltz to country waltz music,
Cha-cha to country cha cha music,
Hustle to that cross-over country/pop music, etc


Modern country music is great dance music with infinite variety. Where
else will you find waltzes and West Coast Swings on the same station, at
the top of the charts? And if you go to a real C/W dance hall like the
ones in Indianapolis, you'll find lots of people your own age dancing!

By the way, I heartily recommend the Rosebowl (across from the Courier Cafe
in Urbana). It's a real friendly place - there's NO COVER, we dancers know
the band members by name and buy each other drinks, we dance, we joke with
the wait staff (Rick and Karen, who ask us where we were if we missed a
week because of studying or whatever). Check it out - you'll like it.
