Reminder: West Coast Swing class starts Thursday!

Mark Balzer (m-balzer@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 18:50:46 -0600

Hey dancers,

Don't forget: our West Coast Swing class starts Thursday!

If you took any of our Beginner or Intermediate level classes this semester,
you are a DI member, so this class will only cost you $10.00 !

See you there,


Course: Beginner West Coast Swing Course, 4 weeks long
Date: Thursdays, November 7th through December 5th
(No class on Thanksgiving, November 28)
Time: 6:15-7:30pm (one-hour class with 15 minutes dance practice)
Cost: $15 for students/faculty/staff (includes $5 membership dues)
$20 for non- students/faculty/staff
(includes $10 registered participant fees)
$10 for existing DI members and existing registered participants
Take both fall 4-week courses for only an additional $5
Location: Freer Hall, Room 310 (Freer upstairs gym)
Instructor: Amy Berger
Prerequisites: None. No experience, no partner necessary! No dress code.
Curriculum: Introduction to West Coast Swing. West Coast Swing is the
state dance of California, and is popular at over 250 Swing
Dance Clubs all across the country. St. Louis alone has 5
different Swing clubs and there are 4 more in Chicago!

Have fun and meet people with the Dancing Illini!

Try it out free! Just show up - no need to pre-register!
Admission to this course closes at the end of the first
class meeting (November 7). We have a big gym with a wood
floor, and we have wireless microphones and a speaker system
so everyone will be able to clearly hear the instructors.
We look forward to dancing with you!

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Info on classes and events be found on the DI home page: