Sherman Hall (fwd)

amy elizabeth richardson (aerichar@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:42:41 -0500

I need at most four couples to give me a hand with this demonstration.
Please get in touch with me. My phone # is 332-4620
Amy Richardson

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:33:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Mark Balzer <>
To: amy elizabeth richardson <>,
Subject: Sherman Hall

>I have a really big favor to ask all of the officers. I will start with
>you Mark and can you spread the word. Sherman Hall approached me and
>asked me if i could get a few people here to demonstrate the dances we do
>in our beginner classes. Kind of what we did at quad day. Then they
>want to do the Macarena... The event starts at 9:30, I know that is
>around practice time. They really didn't give me much of a choice. If
>you could spread the word.
> A lot of people picked up the flyers during the last coffee hour.
> Mostly asian men and women who did not know what the dances were and wanted
>to see them type of thing.
> Can you please get back in touch with me as soon as possible.
> Amy Richardson

Amy, I'll be honest with you - I don't have time to organize this. My
first thought was "Why don't these people just come to the first 2 weeks of
class - it's free, and they can see first-hand whether or not they like it.

Amy, if you want to organize a demo, feel free to post a message to asking for dance demo volunteers. We can probably give
you some music.
