General Meeting Minutes - 7.10.96 @ 9:05pm

Cory Tsang (cory@CS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 17 Jul 1996 09:47:00 -0500

General Meeting Minutes - July 10, 1996 - 9:05pm

Mark begins the meeting with nominations.

Yahna is nominated and accepts nomination for Co-Public Relations

Emily Bergner is elected Co-Secretary.
Jehan Tsai and Joyce Lee are elected as Co-Competition Chairs.
Jeremy is stated to be "On-Topic Moderator"
Yahna is elected as Co-Public Relations Chair.

Officer Reports

August Practice?
Tanja - Depends on Dave Lin.
Cory gets 2 demerits for something. (Cards?)
Draft a job description for Workshop Chair by next Officer
Tanja needs to write the proposal for the Illini Union Courtyard
dance ideas.
Mark will start enforcing the Video Library Rules. Tapes must be
returned by the first 15 minutes of practice so that they
will be available for checkout again.
When can we start selling T-Shirts to the beginners?
Amy - Last 2 weeks of beginner class.

Vice President:
Not present.

Moving Dancing Illini accounts to First of America.
- More convenient for Treasurer.
- Debit card available for account so we can use it
to charge hotel rooms for workshop instructors, and
any other expenses which requires a credit card.

Thank you cards available for signing to send to a variety of people
who have helped us out with Krannert and the Enio Workshops.

Education Chair:
Ideas for socials:
- Trash Disco
- Retro 80s
- Salsa/Merengue
- Latin
- Polyesta Fiesta
- Slumber Party
- Toga <not>
- 50's Mobster Swing Dance

Complaint by Nick and Heidi:
This is a real problem.
We need helper guys.
They need to start coming to practice.
Rent videos.
Stand near the table so Nick can grab an extra guy to dance

Social Chair:
Picnic was a success. Too much food, though.
Have another picnic after the Sunday Dance.

Planned "Not-a-Tea" Dances:
July 14 2-4 Illini Union Ballroom
Sept 8 Illini Union Ballroom
Oct 8 Illini Room A
Nov 24 Illini Rooms A &amp; B

Beginner Picnic - Not until after a couple of classes. (for Fall).

Mark -- We are now allowed to reserve the Union 1 year in advance.
Someone needs to reserve the Union rooms for our 1997
Invitational from now.

Yahna -- YMCA? Advertise.
Latzer Hall - Tell them we have no money.
Krannert - Tell them we want to dance in the foyer. They've
asked us to come in the past. What if we tell them
we want to dance. Would they help arrange something?
Channing Murray.

Need to up the Picnic Budget to $300.

Public Relations Chair:
Placed ads in the New Student Guide and the "Welcome Back" DI.
PR Chair Meeting with Mark (needs to be set up).

--Officer Reports done--

Mark -
Instead of a yearly budget, we should have semesterly budgets.
Proposals for semesterly budgets are due at the beginning of each
semester at the first General Meeting to be approved.

Summer Budget - Summer is already 2/3 over. First "semesterly budget"
Proposed and Approved.


Workshop Chair - Cory needs to make a job description for the position and have it ready for next month's officer meeting.


Bylaw Changes - Amy - No fixed costs for classes in Bylaws.

Found that Bylaws list dues and fees.

Where it defines dues and fees, add a note saying it will be referred to as "D" or "F" throughout the document.

Cory needs to make coupons for tutors

Bylaws with changes passed.


Budget -- proposed and approved with Derek's modification for Picnic Budget.


Open discussion:

Amy - 7/17 Teacher Workshop "How to pace your class so you don't lose people" Waiting for room and time (~6:30 - 8:00pm)

Mark - Helper Rotation at Practice. Do we need to hire tutors or instructors? Education Chair will handle Helper Sign-up Sheets.


Food Arrives - Meeting Adjourned


Note: Yahna mentioned that Krannert has costumes and dresses that are available to students. Need to come with an idea of what you want since the selection is so vast.


Cory Tsang Dancing Illini Secretary 96-97