Please come to class tonight.

Tanja Hodges (tanjah@MORGANA.PUBSERV.COM)
Thu, 13 Jun 1996 09:02:19 -0500

Hello everyone,

First I'd like to thank you guys for showing up and helping out
Tuesday. We had about 40 people in beginner and in intermediate
class, so your attendance was appreciated by many.

We could still use the same sort of help tonight, so if you've
got a little time please come on down to the opera rehersal room
at krannert tonight at 7:30---Beginner class is from 7:45 to 9:15.
Even if you don't have time to stay and dance you can play guide for
half an hour or so and direct our new dancers through the
bowels of krannert to the proper room. {A friendly dancer type
person is a lot more fun than a sign anyway.} And if you do
stay for class, remember to keep track of the dates; our ever
vigillant treasurer Scott is looking forward to recording your
name in his records as a person who should receive a $15 dance
scholarship---to be used towards any intermediate DI sponsored
class---for showing up for 6 beginner classes this summer. (And
yes, if you show up for 12 of them you could have enough to pay
for taking both intermediate classes this fall. You dancer types,
always thinking ahead.)

Thanks for all your support, we literally couldn't do this without
you guys. Have a totally terrific day.

Signorina Ed---but you can call me Tanja, if you want to.

p.s. By the way, our first level 2 intermediate class starts tonight
also. Come on out and work fix all the "kinks" in your Waltz and
West Coast Swing from 6 to 7:30---also in the opera rehearsal room.