Club togetherness?

Tania Banak (tbanak@VETMED.CVM.UIUC.EDU)
Tue, 4 Jun 1996 17:34:12 -30000

Gotta make one final pitch before I leave town. :)

The Dancing Illini has, for the most part, been an enjoyable organization.
The one sticking point has been an ever-present antagonism between "general
membership" and "officers."

I believe that much of that antagonism could be eliminated if officer
meetings were made open to the membership. Then there would be no perceived
"secrets" which end up creating hard feelings.

In the past, officers have worried that open meetings would leave themselves
open to even more criticism, and that meetings would drag on forever. I'd
like to offer that this was not the case in other organizations where I've
served as an officer. In fact, very few club members ever avail themselves
of the opportunity to *attend* officer or board meetings. Those that do are
generally recruited as new officers (something this club has had problems
with in the past -- maybe open officer meetings would serve yet another good

At any rate, just wanted to let you-all know that I'm going to propose this
at the club meeting tomorrow evening (6/5, 9:30 pm, at the Regent).

If you have any feelings about this issue, pro or con, please attend and
voice them. Thanks!

Tania %^)