Ballet Instructor needed for serious 9 yr old student

From: jencart (jencart@MYCIDCO.COM)
Date: Thu Aug 04 2005 - 13:26:39 CDT

  • Next message: Emre Demiralp: "Re: Ballet Instructor needed for serious 9 yr old student"

    This just in from our friend Sarah Delaport PLEASE... respond directly to her:<> 217-377-5262 THANKS!!


    My sister is 9 and has loved ballet since the age of two. We thought her love for ballet would diminish but it has only increased. It appears that she will do ballet professionally in some fashion as an adult -- it is her love and passion. Our goal as family is simply to encourage her dreams (whatever those dreams may be.)

    My sister is currently studying with a professional ballet instructor from Brazil for beginning ballet, taking classes 5-6 days per week. Our parents realize that my sister needs to continue @ this pace, and are willing to support this. We love my sister's current teacher but my parents cannot currently afford to continue @ this ballet studio.

    My sister is an attentive learner, well-disciplined, well-behaved and passionate about ballet -- and good too! We would like her to continue to work with an instructor who can teach her seriously and who also has the technique and training to enable my sister to excel professionally someday -- if this is the career she decides to take. It is my deepest desire that this sweet little girl be able to follow her dreams!

    If anyone knows of a professional ballet dancer or studio that teaches group classes or private lessons, please contact me as soon as possible. It would be wonderful if this instructor also had some Russian, Brazilian, or other professional ballet dance training.

    Thank you very much,
    Sarah Delaport

  • Next message: Emre Demiralp: "Re: Ballet Instructor needed for serious 9 yr old student"

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