Re: [cu-tango] (no subject)

From: rita ann marvelli (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 09:04:32 CDT

I enjoyed the milonga and the workshops tremendously. We are fortunate to
have dedicated and talented people to lead the way in Chambana. When
things are tough in the lab and elsewhere, there is always a lesson,
practice, or milonga to help us forget our troubles.

At this point in my dancing, I only want to dance the tango, but when I am
more at one with it, I may enjoy diversifying back to other ballroom

What music to play? I personally like all the dances that were suggested.
Swing is my favorite.

The only difficulty is that I am not asked to dance after the music
changes, and although I don't know the other dances well, I have to search
out a partner. Perhaps many of the men are also not comfortable with the
other dances. Maybe we could have fewer and shorter interludes.

Thank you all for hosting this wonderful weekend.

Rita Marvelli

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