replicaBarrier set replica_id [myReplica] source $namd_config_file if { [info exists iters_per_output ] == 0 } { set iters_per_output 1 } if { [info exists num_equil_steps] == 0 } { set num_equil_steps 50000 } if { [info exists num_equil_stages] == 0 } { set num_equil_stages 5 } if { [info exists equil_stage_expon] == 0 } { set equil_stage_expon 1 } if { [info exists restart] == 0 } { set restart no } set equil_steps_per_stage [expr int($num_equil_steps / $num_equil_stages)] # Find the image master set image_rank [myReplica] set num_replicas [numReplicas] set image_index [ expr ${image_rank}/${num_swarms} ] # Set pi set pi 3.1415926535897931 if { $restart } { source [format $output_root.restart.tcl $replica_id] } else { set i_job 0 set i_iter 0 set i_step 0 } if { $i_job == 0 } { if [info exists bincoor_file] { bincoordinates [format $bincoor_file $image_index] # bincoordinates [format $bincoor_file $image_rank] } if [info exists xsc_file] { extendedSystem [format $xsc_file $image_index] # extendedSystem [format $xsc_file $image_rank] } temperature $temperature } else { bincoordinates [format $output_root.job%04d.restart.coor $replica_id [expr $i_job - 1]] binvelocities [format $output_root.job%04d.restart.vel $replica_id [expr $i_job - 1]] if [info exists xsc_file] { extendedSystem [format $output_root.job%04d.restart.xsc $replica_id [expr $i_job - 1]] } } set job_output_root [format $output_root.job%04d $replica_id $i_job] outputname $job_output_root # Random seed seed [expr int(0*srand(int(100000*rand()) + 100*$replica_id) + 100000*rand())] # Reads the colvars_##.conf file # Swarms colvars will have a name that starts with "swarms_" # Angle/dihedral colvars should start with "swarms_angle_" proc read_colvars_conf { fname } { global swarm_colvars set fp [open $fname r] set lines [split [read $fp] "\n"] foreach line $lines { # Assign entries by colvar name set trimmed [string trim $line] set fields [split $trimmed] if {[lindex $fields 0] == "name" && [string range [lindex $fields 1] 0 5] == "swarms"} { set name_fields [split [lindex $fields 1] _] if {[lindex $name_fields 1] == "angle"} { set swarm_colvars([lindex $fields 1]) 1 } else { set swarm_colvars([lindex $fields 1]) 0 } } } close $fp } proc update_current_colvars { } { global swarm_colvars current_colvars pi rank foreach { key is_angle } [array get swarm_colvars] { set val [colvarvalue $key] if $is_angle { set current_colvars($key) [list [expr sin($val * $pi / 180)] [expr cos($val * $pi / 180)]] } else { set current_colvars($key) $val } } } proc update_centers_from_drift { } { global drift foreach {key pos} [array get drift] { puts "Updating bias_$key" # Parse vector coordinates if { [llength $pos] > 1 } { set config "centers ( " for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $pos] } { incr i } { if { $i != 0 } { append config ", " } append config [lindex $pos $i] } append config " )" } else { set config "centers $pos" } colvarbias changeconfig bias_$key $config } } set colvars_file [format $colvars_file $image_index] #set colvars_file [format $colvars_file $image_rank] colvarsConfig $colvars_file read_colvars_conf $colvars_file # collection_callback my_data received_data proc binary_tree_callback { r nr offset skip data collection_callback process_callback } { # Use the callback only when collecting the data foreach i { 1 2 } { set p [expr 2 * $r + $i] if { $p < $nr } { set received [replicaRecv [expr ($p + $offset) * $skip]] set data [$collection_callback $data $received] } } # Now redistribute the collected and processed data if { $r } { if { ($r + 1) % 2 == 0 } { set p [expr ($r + 1) / 2 - 1] } else { set p [expr $r / 2 - 1] } replicaSend $data [expr ($p + $offset) * $skip] set data [replicaRecv [expr ($p + $offset) * $skip]] # The head node can process now } elseif { [llength [info commands $process_callback]] > 0 } { set data [$process_callback $data] } foreach i { 1 2 } { set p [expr 2 * $r + $i] if { $p < $nr } { replicaSend $data [expr ($p + $offset) * $skip] } } return $data } proc prepare_message { } { global current_colvars update_current_colvars return [array get current_colvars] } # TODO: How much performance loss by not setting all of the arrays once and then upvaring? proc smooth_images { drifts smooth_param } { global num_images num_swarms array set drifts_array $drifts set smoothed [list 0 $drifts_array(0)] for {set i 1} {$i < ($num_images - 1)} {incr i} { array set left_image $drifts_array([expr $i - 1]) array set right_image $drifts_array([expr $i + 1]) set smooth [list] foreach { key val } $drifts_array($i) { set smooth [concat $smooth $key [list [vecadd [vecscale [expr 1.0 - $smooth_param] $val] [vecscale [expr $smooth_param / 2.0] [vecadd $left_image($key) $right_image($key)]]]]] } set smoothed [concat $smoothed [list $i $smooth]] } set smoothed [concat $smoothed [list [expr $num_images - 1] $drifts_array([expr $num_images - 1])]] return $smoothed } # TODO: How much performance loss by not setting all of the arrays once and then upvaring? proc reparameterize_images { drifts } { global image_rank num_images array set drifts_array $drifts # Collect the cumulative length metric set arc_lengths [list 0.0] for { set i 1 } { $i < $num_images } { incr i } { array set previous $drifts_array([expr $i - 1]) set sum 0.0 foreach { key val } $drifts_array($i) { set norm [veclength [vecsub $val $previous($key)]] set sum [expr $sum + [expr $norm * $norm]] } set sum [expr sqrt($sum) + [lindex $arc_lengths [expr $i - 1]]] lappend arc_lengths $sum } # Now redistribute the images, keeping the endpoints fixed set reparam [list 0 $drifts_array(0)] for { set i 1 } { $i < [expr $num_images - 1] } { incr i } { set current_length [expr $i * [lindex $arc_lengths end] / ($num_images - 1)] # Find the correct arc-length for { set j 1 } { $j < [expr $num_images - 1] } { incr j } { if { [lindex $arc_lengths $j] > $current_length } { break } } # Use linear interpolation to propose new coordinates array set left_image $drifts_array([expr $j - 1]) array set right_image $drifts_array([expr $j]) set current [list] foreach { key } [array names left_image] { set vec [vecsub $right_image($key) $left_image($key)] set linear_factor [expr ($current_length - [lindex $arc_lengths [expr $j - 1]]) / ([lindex $arc_lengths $j] - [lindex $arc_lengths [expr $j - 1]])] set current [concat $current $key [list [vecadd $left_image($key) [vecscale $linear_factor $vec]]]] } set reparam [concat $reparam [list $i $current]] } set reparam [concat $reparam [list [expr $num_images - 1] $drifts_array([expr $num_images - 1])]] return $reparam } # Set up the callbacks proc sum_drifts { my_data received_data } { array set drifts $my_data foreach {key val} $received_data { set drifts($key) [vecadd $drifts($key) $val] } return [array get drifts] } proc average_smooth_reparam { data } { global swarm_colvars image_rank num_images num_swarms pi array set drifts $data # Average the drifts foreach { key is_angle } [array get swarm_colvars] { if $is_angle { set drifts($key) [expr 180 / $pi * atan2([lindex $drifts($key) 0], [lindex $drifts($key) 1])] } else { set drifts($key) [vecscale $drifts($key) [expr 1.0 / $num_swarms]] } } # Smooth and reparameterize array set new_images [binary_tree_callback $image_rank $num_images 0 1 [list $image_rank [array get drifts]] concat_images smooth_reparam_callback] # Only redistribute the correct image return $new_images($image_rank) } proc concat_images { my_data received_data } { return [concat $my_data $received_data] } proc smooth_reparam_callback { data } { global smooth_param set data [smooth_images $data $smooth_param] set data [reparameterize_images $data] return $data } # Swarm iterations langevinTemp $temperature firsttimestep $i_step set target_iter [expr $i_iter + $num_iter] while {$i_iter < $target_iter} { # Determine if coordinates will be written this step set write_output [expr ($i_iter % $iters_per_output) == 0 || $i_iter == ($target_iter - 1)] # Turn of the biases before the swarms foreach { key } [array names drift] { colvarbias changeconfig bias_$key "forceConstant 0.0" } # Run the individual swarms checkpoint colvarfreq $num_swarm_steps for {set swarm_rank 0} {$swarm_rank < $num_swarms} {incr swarm_rank} { revert run $num_swarm_steps if { $swarm_rank == 0 } { set sum_drifts [prepare_message] } else { set message [prepare_message] set sum_drifts [sum_drifts $sum_drifts $message] } # Output the swarms conformations if { $write_output } { set output_base [format "$job_output_root.drift%04d.iter%04d" $swarm_rank $i_iter] output $output_base } } incr i_step $num_swarm_steps replicaBarrier # Use a binary tree to distribute summed drifts to smooth/reparam array set drift [average_smooth_reparam $sum_drifts] # Equilibrate new images update_centers_from_drift colvarfreq $equil_steps_per_stage for { set i 1 } { $i <= $num_equil_stages } { incr i } { set current_force_constant [expr pow(1.0 - ($num_equil_stages. - $i) / $num_equil_stages, $equil_stage_expon) * $swarms_force_constant] foreach { key } [array names drift] { puts "Updating bias_$key" colvarbias changeconfig bias_$key "forceConstant $current_force_constant" } run $equil_steps_per_stage incr i_step $equil_steps_per_stage } # Output the new images and Tcl restart file set output_base [format "$job_output_root.image%04d.iter%04d" $image_rank $i_iter] incr i_iter if { $write_output } { output $output_base set rfile [open [format $output_root.restart.tcl $replica_id] "w"] puts $rfile [list set i_job [expr $i_job + 1]] puts $rfile [list set i_iter $i_iter] puts $rfile [list set i_step $i_step] puts $rfile [list colvarsInput $job_output_root.restart.colvars.state] close $rfile } }