VND Quick Start Instructions ----------------------------------- Once VND is installed, you can load the prototype demonstration data: 1) Point your browser to: 2) Save V1_files.tar.gz to your preferred directory, for example /home/your_name/your_preferred_dir/ 3) cd /home/your_name/your_preferred_dir/ 4) tar -xvzf V1_files.tar.gz 5) Launch VND: vnd 6) In the "VMD for Neuroscience" window, select File:Open File 7) In the "Choose model directory dialog box: Navigate to /home/your_name/your_preferred_dir/, double click on "V1_files", so that /home/your_name/your_preferred_dir/V1_files is displayed as Directory: 8) Click OK. 9) The V1 model should load. README for VND; last modified June 21, 2021 by John E. Stone