The NewRibbons representation uses the alpha Carbons as control points for a spline which defines the ribbon backbone. The ribbon is drawn by extruding a two-dimensional cross section along the length of the spline orienting it by referencing the positions of the Oxygens on the protein backbone. As with the `Tube' representation, the six ribbon segments nearest the given atom are drawn with the color assigned to that atom and the atom can be selected by clicking near the center of those six elements.
The Aspect Ratio parameter controls the width of the ribbon relative
to the thickness value, as a multiplicative factor. An aspect ratio of 1.0
yields a Tube-like representation. The Resolution parameter controls
the degree to which the ribbon surface is tesselated with triangles. Higher
settings yield nicer looking images at the expense of interactive rendering
performance. Points can be interpolated with either a Catmull Rom or
B-Spline by changing the value of Spline Style. Note that the B-Spline
does not always pass through the C
positions, as it is a smoother