The following options are useful to define restraints (confining potentials) for this colvar.
To apply moving restraints, or restraints to more than one colvar simultaneously, a more convenient option is to use the harmonic bias (13.5.3).
Lower wall force constant (kcal/mol) Context: colvar Acceptable values: positive decimal
Description: Defines the force constant for a confining restraint on the colvar, in the form of a ``half-harmonic'' potential.
The potential starts at lowerWall if it is defined, or lowerBoundary otherwise.
The energy unit of the constant is kcal/mol, while the spatial unit is that of the colvar.
Position of the lower wall Context: colvar Acceptable values: decimal
Default value: lowerBoundary Description: Defines the value below which a confining restraint on the colvar is applied, in the form of a ``half-harmonic'' potential.
Allows to use a different position of the wall than lowerBoundary.
Upper wall force constant (kcal/mol) Context: colvar Acceptable values: positive decimal
Description: Analogous to lowerWallConstant.
Position of the upper wall Context: colvar Acceptable values: decimal
Default value: upperBoundary Description: Analogous to lowerWall.