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Definition of Keywords and Functions

The keywords available for selecting atoms in VMD are listed in tables 5.5 and 5.6 at the end of this chapter. If a keyword definition is followed by bool, it is either on or off. If followed by str it takes a value in the string context. If followed by num it takes a value in the number context.

Table 5.5: Atom selection keywords.
Keyword Arg Description
all bool everything
none bool nothing
name str atom name
type str atom type
index num the atom number, starting at 0
serial num the atom number, starting at 1
atomicnumber num atomic number (0 if undefined)
element str atomic element symbol string ('X' if undefined)
altloc str alternate location/conformation identifier
chain str the one-character chain identifier
residue num a set of connected atoms with the same residue number
protein bool a residue with atoms named C, N, CA, and O
nucleic bool a residue with atoms named P, O1P, O2P and either
    O3', C3', C4', C5', O5' or O3*, C3*, C4*, C5*, O5*.
    This definition assumes that the base is phosphorylated,
    an assumption which will be corrected in the future.
backbone bool the C, N, CA, and O atoms of a protein
    and the equivalent atoms in a nucleic acid.
sidechain bool non-backbone atoms and bonds
water, bool all atoms with the resname H2O, HH0, OHH, HOH,
waters   OH2, SOL, WAT, TIP, TIP2, TIP3 or TIP4
fragment num a set of connected residues
pfrag num a set of connected protein residues
nfrag num a set of connected nucleic residues
sequence str a sequence given by one letter names
numbonds num number of bonds
resname str residue name
resid num residue id
segname str segment name
x, y, z float x, y, or z coordinates
radius float atomic radius
mass float atomic mass
charge float atomic charge
beta float temperature factor
occupancy float occupancy
user float time-varying user-specified value
at bool residues named ADA A THY T
acidic bool residues named ASP GLU
acyclic bool ``protein and not cyclic''
aliphatic bool residues named ALA GLY ILE LEU VAL
alpha bool atom's residue is an alpha helix
amino bool a residue with atoms named C, N, CA, and O
aromatic bool residues named HIS PHE TRP TYR
basic bool residues named ARG HIS LYS
bonded bool atoms for which numbonds > 0
buried bool residues named ALA LEU VAL ILE PHE CYS MET TRP
cg bool residues named CYT C GUA G
charged bool ``basic or acidic''
cyclic bool residues named HIS PHE PRO TRP TYR

Table 5.6: Atom selection keywords (continued).
Keyword Arg Description
hetero bool ``not (protein or nucleic)''
hydrogen bool name "[0-9]?H.*"
large bool ``protein and not (small or medium)''
medium bool residues named VAL THR ASP ASN PRO CYS
neutral bool residues named VAL PHE GLN TYR HIS CYS
polar bool ``protein and not hydrophobic''
purine bool residues named ADE A GUA G
pyrimidine bool residues named CYT C THY T URI U
small bool residues named ALA GLY SER
surface bool ``protein and not buried''
rasmol str translates Rasmol selection string to VMD
alpha_helix bool atom's residue is in an alpha helix
pi_helix bool atom's residue is in a pi helix
helix_3_10 bool atom's residue is in a 3-10 helix
helix bool atom's residue is in an alpha or pi or 3-10 helix
extended_beta bool atom's residue is a beta sheet
bridge_beta bool atom's residue is a beta sheet
sheet bool atom's residue is a beta sheet
turn bool atom's residue is in a turn conformation
coil bool atom's residue is in a coil conformation
structure str single letter name for the secondary structure
phi, psi float backbone conformational angles
within str selects atoms within a specified distance of
    a selection (i.e within 5 of name FE).
exwithin str exclusive within, equivalent to (within 3 of X) and not X.
same str selects atoms which have the same keyword as
    the atoms in a given selection (i.e. same segname as resid 35)
ufx, ufy, ufz num force to apply in the x, y, or z coordinates

Table 5.7 lists the built-in functions which may be used in atom selection expressions with keywords which take on a numeric value.

Table 5.7: Atom selection functions.
Function Description
sqr(x) square of x
sqrt(x) square root of x
abs(x) absolute value of x
floor(x) largest integer not greater than x
ceil(x) smallest integer not less than x
sin(x) sine of x
cos(x) cosine of x
tan(x) tangent of x
atan(x) arctangent of x
asin(x) arcsin of x
acos(x) arccos of x
sinh(x) hyperbolic sine of x
cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine of x
tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent of x
exp(x) ``e to the power x''
log(x) natural log of x
log10(x) log base 10 of x

Table 5.8 lists the built-in atom selection keywords which may be used in atom selection expressions to query the values of an underlying volumetric map in the same molecule. These are read-only.

Table 5.8: Read-only atom selection keywords which may be used to query the values of an underlying volumetric map in the same molecule. The value of $N$, which can be 0 to 7 inclusively, refers to the volID of the underlying volumetric data (e.g., you could type interpvol2).
Function Arg Description
vol$N$ float value of the voxel of the volumetric data of ID $N$
    nearest to the atom
interpvol$N$ float interpolated value of the voxels of the volumetric
    data of ID $N$ around the atom
Read-only atom selection keywords for querying volumetric data

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