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- Sample VMD session displaying myoglobin.
- The Main form
- The Molecules form
- The Files form
- The Graphics form (in Image Controls mode)
- The Graphics form (in Atom Name Lists mode)
- The Animate form
- The Edit Animation form
- The Labels form
- The Display form
- Relationship between screen height
(SCRHEIGHT), screen distance to origin (SCRDIST), and the viewer
- The Color form
- The Material Form
- The Render form
- The Sequence form
- The RamaPlot Window
- The Tracker form
- RGB color scale: the three plots shows the
contributions of each color, and the resulting colors are on the bottom.
- The shift to the red component of the RGB
scale caused by the value of ``min''.
- RMS Calculation Tk menu
- RMS Alignment Tk menu