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Previous: Mouse Modes
Pick Item Mode
The mouse can also be used to select things from the screen. As
with many molecular graphics programs, an atom can
be picked by moving the cursor over it and clicking the left mouse
button. When an atom is picked for the first time, a text label
appears which shows the atom residue name and number, and the atom
name. Clicking on the atom again turns the label off.
Picking atoms with the mouse is used to turn on or off various types
of labels, to query for information about an object, or to move items
around on the screen. You can label an atom (and display the atom
name), or you can label geometric values such as the
distance between two atoms (a bond label), an angle between three
atoms (an angle label), or the dihedral angle formed by four
atoms (a dihedral label). This is done by setting the mouse
into the proper picking mode and then selecting the relevant atoms
with the mouse.
You first select the proper picking mode by using the Mouse form, and
choosing the mode required to perform the desired action.
The available actions when in pick item mode are:
- Pick Item Mode
Clicking with the left or middle mouse button on an item
will print out the name of the item (e.g. the atom name) to the text console
The hot key to set this mode is `0'.
- Pick Item Mode
This mode is used to change the point about which a molecule
rotates when the molecule is rotated. To cause a molecule to rotate
about a specific atom, select this mode and then click on that atom.
The rotation point may be restored to its default position (the center
of volume of the molecule) by executing the `Reset View' option from
the Mouse form. The hot key to set the mouse to Pick Item
Centering mode is `c'.
- Pick Item Mode
Clicking on an atom will toggle on/off a label for the atom. The hot
key to set this mode is `1'.
- Pick Item Mode
Clicking on two atoms in a row will toggle on/off a bond distance
label between the two atoms (a dotted line with the distance printed
at the midpoint). The hot key to set this mode is `2'.
- Pick Item Mode
Clicking on three atoms in a row will toggle on/off a label showing
the angle formed by the three atoms. The hot key to set this mode is
- Pick Item Mode
Clicking on four atoms in a row toggles on/off a label showing the
dihedral angle formed by the four atoms. The hot key to set this mode
is `4'.
- Pick Item Mode
In this mode, the position of an atom can be changed by clicking on
the desired atom, and dragging with the mouse while the button is still
pressed. This will change the atom coordinates.
The hot key to set this mode is `5'.
- Pick Item Mode
This mode may be used to move all the atoms in a selected residue at
the same time. Select an atom in a residue, and move it to a new
position while keeping the mouse button pressed. All the atoms in the
same residue as the selected one will be moved the same amount.
Holding down the <shift> key and the left mouse button while moving the mouse
will rotate the atoms in the residue about the selected atom. If the middle
mouse button is held down instead, the atoms in the residue will rotate about
a line drawn through the picked atom and parallel to a line coming directly
out of the screen. This behavior is similar to the usual Rotate mode, except
that coordinates of atoms are changed.
The hot key to set this mode is `6'.
- Pick Item Mode
A fragment is a set of atoms all connected by a series of
covalent bonds. This mode acts just like MoveResidue, except that the
atoms which are moved are all in the selected fragment rather than in
the selected residue. This will change the atom coordinates.
Holding down the <shift> key and the left mouse button while moving the mouse
will rotate the atoms in the fragment about the selected atom. If the middle
mouse button is held down instead, the atoms in the fragment will rotate about
a line drawn through the picked atom and parallel to a line coming directly
out of the screen. This behavior is similar to the usual Rotate mode, except
that coordinates of atoms are changed.
The hot key to set this mode is `7'.
- Pick Item Mode
This mode may be used to move all the atoms in a selected molecule at
the same time. Select an atom in a molecule, and move it to a new
position while keeping the mouse button pressed. All the atoms in the
same molecule as the selected one will be moved the same amount.
Holding down the <shift> key and the left mouse button while moving the mouse
will rotate the atoms in the molecule about the selected atom. If the middle
mouse button is held down instead, the atoms in the fragment will rotate about
a line drawn through the picked atom and parallel to a line coming directly
out of the screen. This behavior is similar to the usual Rotate mode, except
that coordinates of atoms are changed.
The hot key to set this mode is `8'.
Next: Hot Keys
Up: Using the Mouse in
Previous: Mouse Modes