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The authors would particularly like to thank those individuals who have contributed improvements to VMD in the form of new features or entire replacement codes for old features. Special thanks go to Andrew Dalke, Paul Grayson, and Charles Schwieters for their VMD contributions. The entire VMD user community now benefits from your contributions.

The authors would like to thank the members of the Theoretical Biophysics group, past and present, who have helped tremendously in making suggestions, pushing for new features, and trying out bug-ridden code. Thanks go to Alexander Balaeff, Daniel Barsky, Tom Bishop, Ivo Hofacker, Xiche Hu, Barry Israeliwitz, Dorina Kosztin, Ilya Logunov, Jim Phillips, Ari Shinozaki, Svilen Tzonev, Willy Wriggers, Dong Xu, Feng Zhou. Thanks also to all of you who have tried out the program.

Many external libraries and packages are used in VMD, and the program would not be possible without them. The authors wish to thank Jon Leech for the code to compute the uniform point distributions; T. C. Zhao and Mark Overmars, authors of the excellent XFORMS library; John Ousterhout and the other authors of the Tcl, Tk, TclX, TkX and Tcl-DP packages; the authors of the VRPN library from the University of North Carolina; Amitabh Varshney, author of SURF, also from UNC; Dmitrij Frishman at EMBL for developing STRIDE; Jack Lund for the url_get perl script; and Ethan Merrit from the University of Washington for developing the algorithm for drawing ribbons.

We also received invaluable assistance from people who got the source code and sent in patches and explicit bug reports. The VMD developers would like to thank Axel Berg, Andrew Dalke, Rick Kufrin, Joe Landman, Clare Macrae, Lukasz Salwinski, Stephen Searle, Charles Schwieters, Michael Tiemann, Raymond de Vries, and Simon Warfield for their bug fixes and correspondence.

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