#VMD --- start of VMD description block #Name: # SSCacheBunch #Synopsis: # Automatically stores secondary structure information for animations with tweaked performance #Version: # 1.0 #Uses VMD version: # 1.1 #Ease of use: # 2 #Procedures: #
# It is turned on with the command "start_sscache> followed by the # molecule number of the molecule whose secondary structure should be # saved (the default is "top", which gets converted to the correct # molecule index). Whenever the frame for that molecule changes, the # procedure "sscache" is called. #
# "sscache" is the heart of the script. It checks if a secondary # structure definition for the given molecule number and frame already # exists in the Tcl array sscache_data(molecule,frame). If so, it uses # the data to redefine the "structure" keyword values (but only for # the protein residues). If not, it calls the secondary structure # routine to evaluate the secondary structure based on the new # coordinates. The results are saved in the sscache_data array. #
# Once the secondary structure values are saved, the molecule can be # animated rather quickly and the updates can be controlled by the # animate form. #
# To turn off the trace, use the command "stop_sscache", which # also takes the molecule number. There must be one "stop_sscache" # for each "start_sscache". The command "clear_sscache" resets # the saved secondary structure data for all the molecules and all the # frames. #
#Performance tweak SSCACHEBUNCH (linux only) # Frames are computed in a forward bunch to save TCL "exec" calls which # are the time consuming factor, not STRIDE. # Use env(SSCACHEBUNCH) to control how many frames are computed at once. # Use env(SSCACHEPARA) to control how many STRIDEs are called in parallel. # Multiple thousands are possible for BUNCH value, only limit is hard disk space. # 1st play of trajectory shoulnd't be reverse direction of course. #Files: # sscachebunch.vmd #See also: # the VMD user's guide #Author: # Andrew Dalke <dalke@ks.uiuc.edu> # Norman Geist norman.geist@uni-greifswald.de #Url: # http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/sscachebunch/ #\VMD --- end of block # start the cache for a given molecule proc start_sscache {{molid top}} { global sscache_data if {! [string compare $molid top]} { set molid [molinfo top] } global vmd_frame # set a trace to detect when an animation frame changes trace variable vmd_frame($molid) w sscache return } # remove the trace (need one stop for every start) proc stop_sscache {{molid top}} { if {! [string compare $molid top]} { set molid [molinfo top] } global vmd_frame trace vdelete vmd_frame($molid) w sscache return } # reset the whole secondary structure data cache proc reset_sscache {} { global sscache_data if [info exists sscache_data] { unset sscache_data } return } # when the frame changes, trace calls this function... set env(SSCACHEBUNCH) 500; #how many frames to bunch out to save exc calls set env(SSCACHEPARA) 16; #how many STRIDEs to call at once set env(SSRAND) [expr int(rand()*1e6)]; #for safely running multiple VMDs proc sscache {name index op} { # name == vmd_frame # index == molecule id of the newly changed frame # op == w global sscache_data global env # get the protein CA atoms set sel [atomselect $index "protein"] set resids [lsort -unique -integer -increasing [$sel get resid]] set num [llength $resids] ## get the new frame number # Tcl doesn't yet have it, but VMD does ... set frame [molinfo $index get frame] set frames [molinfo $index get numframes] # see if the ss data exists in the cache if [info exists sscache_data($index,$frame)] { $sel set structure $sscache_data($index,$frame) $sel delete return } # doesn't exist, so (re)calculate it #vmd_calculate_structure $index; # <-- the old call # bunch the execution set fp [open ${env(TMPDIR)}/sscachebunch${env(SSRAND)}.sh "w"] for {set i 0} {$i < $env(SSCACHEBUNCH)} {incr i} { if {[expr $frame+$i] >= $frames} {break;} $sel frame [expr $frame+$i] $sel writepdb ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.pdb puts $fp "${env(STRIDE_BIN)} ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.pdb | grep -E '^STR' > ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.out&" if {[expr $i % $env(SSCACHEPARA) == 0]} {#do env(SSCACHEPARA) at once/in parallel puts $fp "wait \$(jobs -p)" } } puts $fp "wait \$(jobs -p)" close $fp catch {exec -ignorestderr /bin/bash < ${env(TMPDIR)}/sscachebunch${env(SSRAND)}.sh} err # read and parse stride output for {set i 0} {$i < $env(SSCACHEBUNCH)} {incr i} { if {[expr $frame+$i] >= $frames} {break;} $sel frame [expr $frame+$i] set fp [open ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.out "r"] set raw [read $fp] set lines [split $raw "\n"] set STR "" set remain $num foreach line $lines { set lstr [string map {" " "C"} [string range $line 10 [expr $remain > 50 ? 50+10-1 : $remain+10-1]]] set remain [expr $remain-[string length $lstr]] set STR "${STR}${lstr}" } close $fp file delete ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.out file delete ${env(TMPDIR)}/tmp${env(SSRAND)}_${index}_${i}.pdb # apply the structure if {[string length $raw] > 0} { # this was slow # set j 0 # foreach resid $resids { # set sel2 [atomselect $index "resid $resid and name CA"] # $sel2 frame [expr $frame+$i] # $sel2 set structure [string index $STR $j] # $sel2 delete # incr j # } # this is incredible fast, but only CA are threated <- safe? set sel2 [atomselect $index "resid $resids and name CA"] $sel2 frame [expr $frame+$i] $sel2 set structure [split $STR ""] $sel2 delete } else { $sel set structure "C" } # save the data for next time set sscache_data($index,[expr $frame+$i]) [$sel get structure] } $sel set structure $sscache_data($index,$frame) $sel delete return } # start sscache for all molecules loaded # -> nice for remd proc start_sscache_all {} { foreach mol [molinfo list] { start_sscache $mol } } # stop sscache for all molecules proc stop_sscache_all {} { foreach mol [molinfo list] { stop_sscache $mol } }