morph 1.0

REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.1 or greater

	This procedure generates a linear interpolation between two given
	animation frames.  The interpolations are stored as additional
	frames that can be played back via the 'Animate' menu.  This
	gives the impression of a "morphing" between the two starting
	frames.  Warning:  It is important that you have two and only
	two coordinate sets loaded for your molecule before calling
	this proecedure (i.e. the first and last)

	morph -  takes three parameters, the molecule id to morph,
	the number of frames to include in the interpolation, and the
	procedure to use for generating the location of the interpolations
	(by default, morph_linear)

	morph_linear - interpolation of frames is linear, with the distance
		between successive frames being of equal lengths

	morph_cycle - interpolation of frames is still linear, but
		more frames are generated near the beginning and ending
		positions of the morph, so that the morph appears to
		speed up and slow down.

	morph_sin2 - interpolation of frames is still linear, but
		more frames are generated near the beginning and ending
		positions of the morph, so that the morph appears to
		speed up and slow down.

	morph top 10    - generates 10 frame linear interpolation between the
			  two animation frames that are presently loaded
	morph top 100 morph_cycle - generates 10 frame interpolation
			  between the two animation frames that are presently
			  loaded, using a generation scheme which produces
			  more frames near the beginning and ending than
			  near the middle (i.e. speeds up and slows down)

	Example showing a morphing between
	two positions of the protein kinesin


	Andrew Dalke (