# given the selection, get the CAs and draw a distance plot
#VMD --- start of VMD description block
# CA distance plot
# Given a selection, plot the CA-CA distance plot
# 1.1
#Uses VMD version:
# 1.5
#Ease of use:
# 2
ca_dist selection -- makes a new graphics molecule which is
# the CA-CA distance plot of the given selection
# Given a selection, this script finds the CA atoms and constructs a
# matrix whose elements are the distances from the CA of residue(i) to
# that on residue(j). A new graphics molecule is created with the name
# "CA_distance(molid)", where molid is the index of the molecule used
# by the selection. The distance matrix is plotted by residue number
# in the order they appeared in the PDB (or PSF, ...) file, but only
# the selected residues are shown. The colors are determined by the
# color scale and may be changed accordingly.
#Example output:
# image
# of bacteriorhodopsin with the CA-CA on the bottom
# ca-dist.vmd
# Andrew Dalke <dalke@ks.uiuc.edu>
# Justin Gullingsrud <justin@ks.uiuc.edu>
#\VMD --- end of block
# Input: a selection
# Does: finds the CAs in the selection then computes and draws the
# CA-CA distance grid with colors based on the color scale
# Returns: the id of the new graphics molecule containing the grid
proc mymax { a b } {
if {[expr $a > $b]} {
return $a
} else {
return $b
proc ca_distance {main_sel} {
# get the CA atoms from the selection
set mol [$main_sel molindex]
set seltext [$main_sel text]
set sel [atomselect $mol "($seltext) and name CA"]
# find distances between each pair
set coords [$sel get {x y z}]
set max 0
set list2 [$sel list]
foreach atom1 $coords id1 [$sel list] {
foreach atom2 $coords id2 $list2 {
set dist($id1,$id2) [veclength [vecsub $atom2 $atom1]]
set dist($id2,$id1) $dist($id1,$id2)
set max [mymax $max $dist($id1,$id2)]
lvarpop list2
lvarpop coords
# draw the pretty graphic
puts "Distances calculated, now drawing the distance map ..."
mol load graphics "CA_distance($mol)"
set gmol [molinfo top]
# turn material characteristics off
graphics $gmol materials off
# i1 and j1 are i+1 and j+1; this speeds up construction of x{01}{01}
set i 0
set i1 1
# preset the scaling factor based on the number of available map colors
set mapcolors [expr [colorinfo max] - [colorinfo num]]
set numcolors [colorinfo num]
set scale [expr ($mapcolors - 0.05) / ($max + 0.)]
set list2 [$sel list]
foreach id1 [$sel list] {
set j 0
set j1 1
set x00 [list $i $j 0]
set x10 [list $i1 $j 0]
set x11 [list $i1 $j1 0]
set x01 [list $i $j1 0]
foreach id2 $list2 {
set col [expr int($scale * $dist($id1,$id2)) + $numcolors]
graphics $gmol color $col
graphics $gmol triangle $x00 $x10 $x11
graphics $gmol triangle $x00 $x11 $x01
incr j
incr j1
set x00 $x01
set x10 $x11
set x11 [list $i1 $j1 0]
set x01 [list $i $j1 0]
incr i
incr i1
# put some numbers down to give an idea of what is where
set resids [$sel get resid]
set num [llength $resids]
set start [lindex $resids 0]
set end [lindex $resids [expr $num - 1]]
graphics $gmol color yellow
graphics $gmol text "0 0 0" "$start,$start"
graphics $gmol text "$num 0 0" "$end,$start"
graphics $gmol text "0 $num 0" "$start,$end"
graphics $gmol text "$num $num 0" "$end,$end"
return $gmol