Setting up Gaussian simulations

Paratool provides aid in setting up input files for Gaussian simulations. You can choose various simulation parameters such as method and basis set via option menus. Here's what the options mean:

Simulation basename:
The Gaussian input file will be called $, the checkpoint file $basename.chk.

Checkpoint file based on:
- If you want to use info like coordinates or the initial guess for the wave function from a previous checkpoint file you can specify the filename here. The file will be copied to $basename.chk and the latter is used for the simulation. (The reason for copying is that checkpoint files are overwritten in subsequent simulations and you might want to keep the previous file)

Number of processors:
Number of CPUs requeste for the simulation (%nproc entry in Gaussian).

Total memory requested for the simulation (%mem entry in Gaussian).

Simulation type:
Choose among Single point calculations, geometry optimizations and frequency calculations. For force constants 'Frequency' must be chosen.

Choose amongst a number of simulation methods like HF, UHF or B3LYP from a list. If your desired method is not included you can specify it in the 'other keywords field. For metal containinig systems you should use a DFT method (e.g. B3LYP) while for organic molecules Hartree-Fock (RHF) is fine. For open-shell systems you must use unrestricted methods (UHF, UB3LYP,...).

Choose a set of wavefunctions from the list. If the desired one is not included, you can specify it in the other keywords field. For most force field applications 6-31G* is fine. Note that method and wave function for single point runs and geometry optimization must be identical otherwise your force constants will most likely be rubbish because you are taking the Hessian not at the minimum of the energy function.

Geometry taken from:
The initial geometry can be taken either from the checkpoint file or specified explicitely as Z-matrix (in the form of cartesian coordinates). It is recommended to choose the latter because when the cartesian coordinates are included in the setup file you can reload the file later without previously loading a molecule in VMD.

Initial wavefunction:
The initial guess of the wavefunction can be computed from scratch using the Harris method (this is Gaussians default) or read from the checkpoint file. If both geometry and initial guess are taken from checkpoint file (Gaussian keyword Geom=AllCheck), then no total charge and multiplicity can be defined and the respective fields are inactivated.

Coordinates for Opt/Freq:
Choose between the redundant internal coordinates autogenerated by Gaussian, the explicitely defined internal coordinates from Paratools list or modified autogenerated redundant internal coordinates. For optimizations 'internal (auto)' is recommended and for force constant determination usually 'internal (explicit)' is chosen.

You can specify a solvent (i.e. a dielectric constant) in case you are using the polarizable continuum (PCM) solvent model. (Not useful for PARATOOL, don't choose anything)

PCM method:
Choose the method used for the polarizable continuum model. (Not useful for PARATOOL, don't choose anything)

Use the checkbuttons to specify if you want to compute ESP charges of NBO charges additionally to the Mulliken populatin analysis.

Other keywords:
Add any Gaussian keywords to the setup file.

Total charge:
The charge of your entire system. Check this value Paratool's guess depends on many factors and my be wrong.

The mulitplicity of your system. You must specify this manually Paratool can guess it by n means.