# Set of scripts to: # fit atoms in a selection to a vector; # find the angle made by that vector with another vector; and # do this for all timesteps in a trajectory. # # Justin Gullingsrud # justin@ks.uiuc.edu # Fit the points x to x = ai + b, i=0...N-1, and return the value of a # a = 12/( (N(N^2 - 1)) ) sum[ (i-(N-1)/2) * xi] # reference: Bevington proc lsq { x } { set N [llength $x] set xtot 0 set d [expr {0.5*($N-1)}] set i 0.0 foreach elem $x { set xtot [expr {$xtot + ($i - $d) * $elem}] set i [expr {$i + 1.0}] } # no need to normalize if all we want is the direction # set xtot [expr $xtot * 12 / ($N * ($N * $N - 1))] return $xtot } # Given an atom selection and a vector, find the angle with the vector made by # the best-fit line through the atom coordinates. proc sel_angle { sel vec } { # Find the best fit line for x, y, and z coordinates # Normalize it as well set fitvec [vecnorm [list [lsq [$sel get x]] [lsq [$sel get y]] [lsq [$sel get z]]]] # Assume the given vector is normalized!! # Compute acos of the cos and return answer in degrees set costheta [vecdot $fitvec $vec] set angle [expr 180 * acos($costheta) / 3.14159] return $angle } # Find the angle between the best fit lines through the two given selections proc sel_sel_angle { sel1 sel2 } { set x1 [$sel1 get x] set y1 [$sel1 get y] set z1 [$sel1 get z] set x2 [$sel2 get x] set y2 [$sel2 get y] set z2 [$sel2 get z] set xa1 [lsq $x1] set ya1 [lsq $y1] set za1 [lsq $z1] set xa2 [lsq $x2] set ya2 [lsq $y2] set za2 [lsq $z2] set anorm1 [expr sqrt($xa1 * $xa1 + $ya1 * $ya1 + $za1 * $za1)] set anorm2 [expr sqrt($xa2 * $xa2 + $ya2 * $ya2 + $za2 * $za2)] set xa1 [expr $xa1 / $anorm1] set ya1 [expr $ya1 / $anorm1] set za1 [expr $za1 / $anorm1] set xa2 [expr $xa2 / $anorm2] set ya2 [expr $ya2 / $anorm2] set za2 [expr $za2 / $anorm2] set costheta [expr $xa1 * $xa2 + $ya1 * $ya2 + $za1 * $za2] set angle [expr 180 * acos($costheta) / 3.14159] return $angle } ################# # Compute the angle for all frames proc sel_angle_frames { mol seltext vec } { set anglelist {} set N [molinfo $mol get numframes] set sel [atomselect $mol $seltext] for { set i 0 } {$i < $N} {incr i} { puts $i $sel frame $i lappend anglelist [sel_angle $sel $vec] } $sel delete return $anglelist } proc sel_sel_angle_frames { mol seltext1 seltext2 } { set anglelist {} set N [molinfo $mol get numframes] set sel1 [atomselect $mol $seltext1] set sel2 [atomselect $mol $seltext2] for { set i 0 } { $i < $N } { incr i} { $sel1 frame $i $sel2 frame $i lappend anglelist [sel_sel_angle $sel1 $sel2] } $sel1 delete $sel2 delete return $anglelist } proc sel_rot_angle_frames { mol seltext } { set sel0 [atomselect $mol $seltext frame 0] set fitvec [vecnorm [list [lsq [$sel0 get x]] [lsq [$sel0 get y]] [lsq [$sel0 get z]]]] set mat0 [transvecinv $fitvec] $sel0 move $mat0 set sel [atomselect $mol $seltext] set N [molinfo $mol get numframes] for { set i 1 } { $i < $N } { incr i } { $sel frame $i set fitvec [vecnorm [list [lsq [$sel get x]] [lsq [$sel get y]] [lsq [$sel get z]]]] set mat [transvecinv $fitvec] $sel move $mat # Fitmat moves original onto current step. set fitmat [measure fit $sel0 $sel] #set costheta [lindex [lindex $fitmat 1] 1] #if { $costheta > 1 || $costheta < -1 } { #puts "frame $i: costheta = $costheta" #lappend result 0 #} else { #lappend result [expr {180*acos($costheta)/3.14159}] #} set sintheta [lindex [lindex $fitmat 2] 1] if { $sintheta > 1 || $sintheta < -1 } { puts "frame $i: sintheta = $sintheta" lappend result 0 } else { lappend result [expr {180*asin($sintheta)/3.14159}] } $sel move [measure inverse $mat] } $sel0 move [measure inverse $mat0] return $result }