# Implicit Ligand Sampling run script # =================================== # Running ILS calculation: # vmd -dispdev text -e # You will need VMD 1.8.7. or higher. # Change the input parameters below to your liking. # The filenames used in this script are relative to the directory # for which it was generated but you can of course change then. # If you have a CUDA enables Nvidia GPU VMD will use the GPU for # the computation. Since the all the GPU resources will then be # used for ILS your graphical display will freeze up, so don't be # surprised. After finishing each frame the display will briefly # be updated and freeze again. # Comment this line out to prevent the use of the CUDA implementation: #set env(VMDCUDAILS) 1 # You might want to do a quick test with 1 frame first to see if # the syntax is correct and to determine the approximate runtime # per frame. package require ilstools # Adjustable parameters: # ---------------------- # First and last frames to process set first 0 set last 5001 # Resolution of final downsampled map in Angstrom set res 1.0 # Subsampling of each dimension during computation # i.e. each gridpoint of the final map will actually # be downsampled from subres^3 points. set subres 3 # Control of the angular spacing of probe orientation vectors, # i.e. the number of probe conformers generated. # # 1: use 1 orientation only # 2: use 6 orientations (vertices of octahedron) # 3: use 8 orientations (vertices of hexahedron) # 4: use 12 orientations (faces of dodecahedron) # 5: use 20 orientations (vertices of dodecahedron) # 6: use 32 orientations (faces+vert. of dodecahedron) # >6: geodesic subdivisions of icosahedral faces # with frequency 1, 2, ... # # For each orientation a number of rotamers will be # generated. The angular spacing of the rotations # around the orientation vectors is chosen to be about # the same as the angular spacing of the orientation # vector itself. # If the probe ha at least one symmetry axis then the # rotations around the orientation vectors are reduced # accordingly. If there is an infinite oder axis (linear # molecule) the rotation will be omitted. # In case there is an additional perpendicular C2 axis # the half of the orientations will be ignored so that # there are no antiparallel pairs. # # Probes with tetrahedral symmetry: # Here conf denotes the number of rotamers for each of # the 8 orientations defined by the vertices of the # tetrahedron and its dual tetrahedron. set orient 5 # Cutoff energy above which the occupancy is regarded zero # For GPUs energies of more than 87 always correspond to # floating point values of zero for the occupancy. Hence # there is no point going higher than that. set maxen 85 # Temperature of the MD simualtion set T 300 # Nonbonded interaction cutoff set cutoff 12.0 # The minmax box defining the free energy map # (two opposite corners of the grid) set minmax {{-8 0 -12} {36.0 40.0 27.0}} # The DX file containing the free energy map set dxfile apo1a6gils_out.dx # ------------------------------------------------------- # Set up the probe # WARNING: The probe parameters have only been verified to # reproduce experimental solvation free energies for # xenon, oxygen, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide probes. # Use parameters for other probes as a starting point # for optimization. set pmol [mol new ilsprobe_oxygen.xyz] set psel [atomselect $pmol all] $psel set radius 1.7; # VDW radius $psel set occupancy -0.12; # VDW epsilon # ------------------------------------------------------- # Load the molecule set molid [mol new /home/newhoir/apo1a6g/apo.psf] mol addfile "/home/newhoir/apo1a6g/apo.pdb" waitfor all mol addfile "/home/newhoir/apo1a6g/apo1a6g-last5.dcd" waitfor all # Selection used for alignment set asel [atomselect $molid "protein and name CA" frame 0] # Align all frames of the protein, but only the transformation # part since a rotated system cannot be wrapped properly. ILStools::shift_to_center $asel # Now we have a system were the protein (or whatever you used # as basis of the alignment) does not shift anymore. # It still rotates but we have to live with that. # We rewrap the solvent so that our PBC box is always centered # at the COM of the protein. package require pbctools pbc wrap -molid $molid -orthorhombic -compound residue -all \ -center com -centersel [$asel text] # Set the radius and occupancy field for each atom to the # VDW rmin and epsilon values from the force field package require ilstools ILStools::readcharmmparams ../par_all27_4impligsamp.inp ILStools::assigncharmmparams $molid # Run ILS volmap ils $molid $minmax -cutoff $cutoff -pbc \ -res $res -subres $subres -probesel $psel -orient $orient \ -alignsel $asel -maxenergy $maxen \ -T $T -first $first -last $last \ -o $dxfile # Quit VMD when done with ILS calculation quit